Health Education

Tribal Area Health Education Center Will Address Tribal Health Care Needs, Train Workforce

The Arizona Area Health Education Center (AzAHEC) Program at the University of Arizona Health Sciences recently selected the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care to develop a new American Indian Health AHEC Regional Center dedicated to developing health profession education initiatives and expanding access to health care for tribal communities in Arizona.

The new American Indian Health (AIH) AHEC Regional Center will be the sixth AHEC Regional Center in Arizona. It is the first in the state and one of the few in the US outside of Alaska to focus exclusively on the American Indian health care system and

Health Education

High schools to begin mental health education amid rise in suicides

Japan will from next spring revive mental health education in high schools, axed four decades ago, following a record number of youth suicides and concerns over the stressful effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Under the government’s new curriculum guidelines for senior high schools, health and physical education textbooks for use in spring 2022 will feature descriptions of prevention and coping methods to help mentally distressed students deal with problems.

Emiko Michigami, a 60-year-old school nurse at Saitama Prefectural Soka Higashi High School, is a faculty member already on the frontlines looking for ways to best handle the mental health education